The Gender and Power Relations theme was presented by Ása Richardsdóttir, Secretary General of IETM & Marie Le Sourd, Secretary General of On the Move - leaders in the topic at the SHIFT Final Event on 1 December 2021.
The SHIFT Final event was organised by the European Music Council and we were pleased to share the publications and results of this two-years cooperation project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
In light of developments since 2017, when the #MeToo movement rose to global prominence, the SHIFT – Shared Initiatives for Training partners (nine European cultural networks and platforms) made a common decision to focus on sexual harassment and power abuse in the European art world.
This presentation uncovers the research and publication as the culmination of the SHIFT project’s work on Gender and Power Relations.
Through research and main observations, the SHIFT publication starts by nuancing some preconceptions about the status quo of Gender and Power Relations in the arts while taking into consideration the diversity of contexts in Europe. Using a transnational, cross-border approach, the publication also puts forward recommendations and solution-oriented strategies for the arts sector in general – and European cultural networks in particular – for combating sexual harassment and power abuse, and creating equitable and safe professional environments for art workers. It further includes concise “stories of change”; case studies derived from interviews which instigated a structural process of change in a given context.
Climate change, gender equality and inclusion of minorities are key challenges for our rapidly changing world. Arts and culture have a recognised role in shaping societies and have the potential to significantly contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all as recognised in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Project partners are the European Choral Association, ELIA, European Music Council, European Union of Music Competitions for Youth, FACE, IETM, International Music Council, On the Move and Trans Europe Halles
For more information, check the website here:
Music by Goeran Meyer, 20 Minutes off_ All rights reserved
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