Eastern Mediterranean: Turkey must immediately end illegal drilling activities. [ Ссылка ] #eudebates #Turkey #Dialogue [ Ссылка ] #heritage #debates #HagiaSophia #Migration #Borrell #Turkey #Ankara #Erdogan
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All eyes on US, Germany, France, Greece and EU meetings over Turkey
Esteban González Pons (PPE). – Señor presidente, ser vecinos no significa necesariamente ser amigos. Los amigos se respetan y se ayudan, ni se amenazan ni se chantajean. Turquía y Europa somos vecinos, pero hace tiempo que hemos dejado de ser amigos.
Hace veinte años se abrió un camino para que Turquía formara parte de la Unión Europea, pero Erdogan ha traicionado nuestra amistad, ha cerrado esa puerta y ha levantado un muro frente a ella. A Erdogan le gusta nuestro dinero, pero no le gustan nuestros valores. Si no respeta los derechos del pueblo turco, ¿cómo queremos que respete los nuestros?
Erdogan ha cortado el camino hacia una Turquía europea. Lo que está sucediendo en Chipre, en Lesbos, en la frontera greco-turca, es una tragedia inaceptable. Esas cosas no deberían ocurrir en Europa y esas cosas no ocurren entre amigos. Por eso aplaudo la visita inmediata que el vicepresidente Schinas hizo en los primeros días al campo de Moria. Porque el problema migratorio no es un problema griego, es un problema europeo.
Turquía ha hecho de la provocación su instrumento para desestabilizar Europa; no Grecia, no Chipre, para desestabilizar Europa. Ayer eran los refugiados utilizados como arma. Puede que lo vuelvan a ser mañana. Hoy son los barcos de perforación en aguas griegas.
Por eso, del próximo Consejo solo puede salir un mensaje claro para Erdogan: Grecia y Chipre son parte de la familia europea. No vamos a dejarlos solos, vamos a defenderlos. Siempre estaremos en la mesa para negociar, pero quien chantajea, amenaza o extorsiona a un país de la Unión Europea debe saber que nos está chantajeando, amenazando o extorsionando a todos.
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MEPs condemn Turkey’s actions in the Greek and Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone and express full solidarity with the two member states.
MEPs voiced their concern regarding the ongoing dispute and the related risk of further military escalation between EU member states and an EU candidate country
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Ahead of a Special European Council meeting on 24/25 September on the dangerous escalation and the role of Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, MEPs express their full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus, in a resolution adopted by 601 votes in favour, 57 against and 36 abstentions.
Stating that the EU is clear and determined in defending its interests, MEPs call on Turkey to immediately end any further illegal exploration and drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean, to refrain from violating Greek airspace and Greek and Cypriot territorial waters and stop “nationalistic warmongering rhetoric”
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Deteriorating state of EU-Turkey relations
A solution can only be found through dialogue, diplomacy and negotiations, MEPs say, calling on all actors involved, especially Turkey, to commit to an urgent de-escalation by withdrawing their military forces from the area. They welcomed Turkey’s decision to withdraw one of its seismic research vessels from the area on 12 September as the first step towards easing tensions, condemning at the same time Turkey’s plans to extend the term of duty of another drilling ship.
MEPs express serious concern about the current state of EU-Turkey relations, which are being seriously affected by the dire human rights situation in Turkey and the erosion of democracy and rule of law.
Further sanctions are not excluded
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They call for both Turkey and the member states to support the political dialogue in Libya and to adhere to the arms embargo imposed by the UNSC. MEPs deplore the negative impact that current Turkish foreign policy and other actions in the Mediterranean are having on the stability of the region, including Syria.
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