Hello friend :) In this video I summarise my understanding of watercolour pigments, covering the things I wish I knew when I started: What are pigments? What do pigment names mean? Why do people care about single pigment watercolours? What are cobalts, cadmiums, quinacridones, phthalos and earth pigments? What does lightfastness , transparency, granulation and staining mean? This was a video suggestion from one of my Ko-Fi members - Lorna :) and it was so fun to create. I hope that this not only piques your interest, but that it adds to your watercolour journey.
For all my Ko-Fi member, thank you so much for your support. I have created a PDF eBook summarising my notes, that you can use to accompany this video: [ Ссылка ]
The timestamps are below x
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💫 💫 💫TIMESTAMPS: 💫 💫 💫
00:00 Understanding watercolour pigments
01:00 What are watercolour pigments
01:50 Understanding pigment names
04:00 What does it mean when a watercolour is called a hue
05:00 Watercolours with no pigment information
05:50 Watercolour pigment types
06:00 Synthetic inorganic watercolour pigments
06:25 Synthetic organic watercolour pigments
06:50 Natural organic watercolour pigments
07:15 Natural inorganic watercolour pigments
07:50 Watercolour properties
08:25 Transparency
10:00 Staining watercolours
10:50 Watercolour granulation explained
11:45 How to create supergranulating watercolours
12:45 Lightfastness - What does lightfastness mean
15:25 Watercolour pigment families
15:45 Cobalt watercolors
19:00 Cadmium watercolors properties, cadmium red, cadmium yellow
19:45 What are quinacridone watercolors, quinacridone properties
20:15 Phthalos, pthalocyanine watercolours and their properties
21:30 Earth pigments, what are earth pigments and their properties
23:20 How can the same watercolour pigment create different colours
24:25 What are the best watercolour pigments
25:15 Are single pigment watercolours the best
26:40 How to pick watercolour paints
28:15 Best way to use watercolour pigment information
30:00 How important is it to know about watercolour pigments
30:26 Watercolours to avoid
31:10 Helpful resources for watercolour pigment information
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Watercolour Pigments Explained For Beginners
sketches.n.scrubswatercolourwatercolorgouachewatercolour pigmentscobaltscobalt bluecadmiumscadmium yellowcadmium redquinacridoneearth pigmentsunderstanding watercolour pigmentswatercolour pigments explainedwhat are watercolour pigmentswhat to pigment names meansgranulationstaining watercolourstransparent watercolorslightfastnesswhat is lightfastnesswhat does lightfastness meansingle pigment watercolourswatercolour pigment information