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title: getting started with python selenium webdriver manager
python selenium webdriver manager simplifies the management of browser drivers when working with selenium. it automatically downloads and manages the appropriate driver executable for the browser you intend to automate, reducing the manual effort of managing driver versions.
in this tutorial, we'll walk through the steps of installing and using python selenium webdriver manager with a practical code example.
step 1: install the required packages:
open your terminal or command prompt and install the required packages using pip:
step 2: write a simple selenium script:
create a new python script (e.g., and open it in your preferred text editor. paste the following code:
this script uses the chrome browser, but you can easily adapt it for other browsers by changing the import statement accordingly (e.g., from webdriver_manager.firefox import geckodrivermanager for firefox).
step 3: run the script:
save the script and run it using the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
the webdriver manager will automatically download the appropriate chromedriver executable and manage it for you. the script will open the specified website, print the page title, and then close the browser.
python selenium webdriver manager simplifies the management of browser drivers in selenium automation projects. by automatically handling driver installations and updates, it reduces the complexity of setting up and maintaining your selenium environment. use this tutorial as a starting point for your selenium automation projects and explore additional features and options provided by the webdriver manager library.
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