Keto Diet Recipes - Keto Pancakes
Obtain the following ingredients:
2 eggs
1 cup creamy cottage cheese
4 tablespoons coconut or almond flour
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Stevia or other sweetener
Let’s make it!
Put all the ingredients in a blender and whisk well, then leave for 2 to 3 minutes to let all the bubbles go down. Bake like classic pancakes.
When the pancakes are done, spread them with peanut butter.
Serve and enjoy!
Nutrients per one piece: 106 calories, 4.31g protein, 1.8g carbs, 8.94g total fat, 0.5g dietary fiber.
#ketodiet #ketodietrecipes
Recepti za keto dijetu - Keto palačinke
Nabavite sledeće sastojke:
2 jaja
1 šolja kremastog svežeg sira
4 kašike kokosovog ili bademovog brašna
½ kašičice cimeta
Stevija ili drugi zaslađivač
Stavite sve sastojke u blender i dobro umutite, pa ostavite 2 do 3 minute da se svi mehurići spuste. Pecite kao klasične palačinke.
Kada su palačinke gotove premažite ih puterom od kikirikija.
Poslužite i uživajte!
Nutrijenti po komadu: 106 kalorija, 4,31 g proteina, 1,8 g ugljenih hidrata, 8,94 g ukupne masti, 0,5 g dijetalnih vlakana.
How to Make Keto Pancakes - Keto Diet
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