According to the most recent Times Now updates, the Durga Puja controversy erupted in West Bengal. The All India Hindu Mahasabha depicted the ‘Mahishasura’ as a look-alike of Mahatma Gandhi in their Durga Puja pandal. The Durga idol, 'Mahishasura', was replaced by a crudely-crafted Mahatma Gandhi-look-alike. After severe backlash and pressure from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the organisers of the pandal replaced the face of the controversial asura. The organisers modified the Asura idol by adding hair and a moustache. The organisers removed the spectacles of the asura and claimed the similarities were a "co-incidence". Kolkata police have filed a complaint against Hindu Mahasabha.
However, now Hindu Mahasabha is narrating a different story. Chandrachur Goswami said, "He is not Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, though he looks like him. But we don't accept him as the father of our nation. We did not remove the idol, but we changed it. Some ministry people called me, and they came to me and said, "We have pressure onus too. That's why we changed it.
#WestBengal #MahatmaGandhi #DurgaPuja #BapuAsAsura #GandhiIdolControversy
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