When is it ok to let others inside the retrospective?
More videos released weekly, be sure to like and subscribe to make sure you hear all the tips and tricks to help you rock your next retrospective!
We spoke with some of the world's biggest retrospective experts for our Hot Seat Interview where we ask about some of the biggest challenges facing the agile community.
In our Bonus Episodes, we speak with
Esther Derby
Co-Author of Agile Retrospectives and Author of 7 Rules for Positive Productive Change: Micro Shifts, Macro Results
Company: Esther Derby Associates Inc.
Carsten Grønbjerg Lützen
Playful Scrum Master & Founder of AgileIdeas.dk
Madhavi Ledalla
Agile Coach, Author of Retrospectives for Everyone!
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Should managers be in the agile retrospective?
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