Austin Stone - Calvary's Cross Cover (City Silhouettes)
**DISCLAIMER**: All owner reserves all right to the lyrics and musical content. This is just a cover version of the song with my band playing all recorded instruments and vocals.
Happy Easter everyone! While easter eggs and candy are great, for the Christian, it's about something bigger. Someone BIGGER! Let's all take a moment to just be grateful for the lives we live and what we have. Feel free to leave comments, and follow us on
IG: stanleyvmusic
Vine: Stanley V Music
Twitter: StanleyV27
We will be working on getting a band page up shortly!
Easter Sunday - Calvary's Cross Cover (City Silhouettes)
CityAustin (City/Town/Village)austin stonechurchmusicbandcovergreatnessawesomeamazingChristianity (Religion)Contemporary Christian Music (Musical Genre)Gospel Music (Musical Genre)Music Video (TV Genre)christsalvationsavedSavior Of The World (Theater Production)HolyGraceSpiritGod (Deity)Jesus Christ (Deity)Holy Spirit (Deity)Worship Music (Musical Album)BestGreatEaster (Holiday)Sunday (Day Of Week)ResurrectionChristian (Adherents)