Street Fighter, commonly abbreviated as SF or スト, is a fighting video game franchise developed and published by Capcom. The first game in the series was released in 1987, followed by five other main series games, various spin-offs and crossovers and numerous appearances in various other media. Wikipedia
First release: Street Fighter; August 30, 1987
Latest release: Street Fighter V: Champion Edition; February 15, 2020
Genre: Fighting game
Designers: Takashi Nishiyama, Akira Yasuda, Akira Nishitani, Tokuro Fujiwara, David Sirlin, more
Developers: Capcom, Namco, Capcom U.S.A., Inc., Arika, Dimps, Iron Galaxy, more
This is a list of all the moves for all nineteen characters in the Street Fighter II series, including their Super Combos added in Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
Move NameInputShakunetsu Hadoken+Shoryuken+Hurricane Kick+Super Combo: Shinku Hadoken+
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