During an interview with the Times Now Network, PM Modi said, “You bring up the subject of dictatorship dictatorship. Suppose, there are 100 points that define dictatorship. Let's write Congress on one side and BJP on the other side. Who ticks the boxes of dictatorship? I would want to be in your pathshala for 1 full week. I believe that out of these 100 points, not a single allegation that they level on, not even a germ will come out to be true.”
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100-point dictatorship checklist...
pm narendra modi interviewpm modi interview todaypm modi interviewnarendra modi interviewनरेंद्र मोदी इंटरव्यूमोदी इंटरव्यूmodi times now interviewtimes now modi interviewpm modi times now navbharat interviewpm modi sushant sinha interviewnarendra modi navika kumar interviewmodi interview navbharatmodi interview with sushant sinhapm modi asked sushant sinha pathshalaतानाशाह कौन है?pm modi asked sushant singh to do pathshala on dicatatorship