PERMANENCY'S - Permanency's meaning and definition in 2023
How to pronounce permanency correctly?
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PERMANENCY'S Meaning And Definition:
Permanency is the quality or state of being permanent or enduring.
It refers to the long-lasting or stable nature of something.
PERMANENCY'S Pronunciation:
To pronounce 'permanency', start with the 'p' sound, followed by 'er' as in 'her', then 'man' as in 'man', and finally 'en' as in 'pen'.
Stress the second syllable: per-MAN-en-see.
Use PERMANENCY'S In Your Speech:
1. The permanency of the structure ensures its long-term stability
2. We are seeking permanency in our relationship
3. The permanency of the artwork is guaranteed by the high-quality materials used
4. The decision to undergo surgery should be made with consideration for its permanency
5. The permanency of the dye on the fabric is impressive
Please answer in comments for the most popular PERMANENCY'S questions:
1. What factors contribute to the permanency of a structure?
2. How does permanency impact relationships?
3. Can permanency be achieved in a rapidly changing world?
4. What are the benefits of permanency?
5. What are some examples where permanency is desirable?
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Last updated: October, 2023
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