In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Ramesh Awasthi from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the Kanpur constituency, securing 443,055 votes with a vote share of 49.93%.
His closest competitor, Alok Misra from the Indian National Congress (INC), received 422,087 votes, which accounted for 47.56% of the total votes.
The voter turnout in Kanpur was approximately 53.05%. This election result reflects a competitive race, with Awasthi winning by a margin of 20,968 votes.
The constituency includes five assembly segments: Govind Nagar, Sishamau, Arya Nagar, Kidwai Nagar, and Kanpur Cantonment.
This victory continues the BJP's presence in Kanpur, following previous wins in earlier elections.
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