Lokve lake is an accumulation lake created by the dam that was being built by nearly thirty thousand volunteers in the early fifties last century. As those builders were mostly young people, the original name was Lake of the Youth. From the beginning, the lake is associated with sports. The first world championship in underwater orientation was held there in the seventies, as well as a number of rowing regattas in the following years.
Although artificial, the Lokve fits perfectly well in the countryside with the beautiful pine forests that surround it and with the wonderful Risnjak peak in the background.
Lokvarsko jezero je umjetno akumulacijsko jezero izgrađeno u pedesetima. Kako je u gradnji sudjelovalo gotovo trideset tisuća volontera, koji su većinom bili mladi, prvo su ga nazvali Omladinsko jezero. Od samog početka jezero je povezano sa sportom. Ovdje je sedamdesetih održano prvo svijetsko prvenstvo u podvodnoj orijentaciji kao i brojne veslačke regate u narednim godinama.
Iako umjetno, lokvarsko jezero se lijepo uklapa u krajolik obrastao borovom šumom s pogledom na Risnjak u daljini.
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