There many reasons for having a bottom aquariums without gravel or any other kind of substrate, but there are also some very real dangers as well. In this Aquatasy video we'll break down some of the benefits to running for fish tank with any substrate as well as cover what can go wrong. And naturally we will present some solutions to those dangers that will allow you to still keep the bottom of your tank bare. Learn from my mistakes on this topic because even seasoned fish hobbyists can mess things up once in a while!
Music licensed from AudioBlocks.
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Aquatasy - Dangers Of A Bare Bottom Aquarium
AquatasyC. Andrew Nelsonaquariumfishtankdangerdangersbarebottomsubstrategravelbenefitsgoodbadbacteriabeneficialnitrogencyclecyclingbio-filterbiofilterbiologicalbiofilterwasteammonianitritenitrateHOBhang on backhang-on-backAqueonmedicationgoldfishdiscusdisplayshowquarantinewaterflowvacuumsiphontoxinscolonyrandom act of kindnessRAOKspongemaintenanceVFXeditingchangecichlidtetracatfishfreshwatersaltwaterhelpadvicetipssandpetpets