Mastering solidity assembly opcodes deals with Solidity assembly tutorial, where I will explain how to use Solidity assembly opcodes in other to become an advance smart contract engineer, we will be learning How to use assembly in solidity.
This playlist focuses more on Introduction to yul, understanding EVM opcodes, and probably the Step by step to solidity assembly opcodes.
Introduction to Solidity Assembly opcodes (YUL)
Solidity assembly calldataloadSolidity assembly for-loopSolidity assembly while-loopSolidity assembly docSolidity assembly createSolidity assembly callHow to use assembly in solidityUnderstanding assembly in solidityOpcodesStep by step to solidity assembly opcodesHow to program in yulIntroduction to yulyul opcodesyul data typesevm opcodesunderstanding evm opcodesMastering EVM opcodesUnderstanding EVM opcodesyul tutorial