The special operation began on April 12 near the village Gimry continues.
The official version.
In mountain gorge near the village and district of Dagestan Gimry Untsukulsky continuing search operations to locate members of the so-called "Gimrinsky" gang involved in a number of high-profile crimes related to robbery, extortion , kidnapping, assassination of officials, police and the military. It is reported the information center of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee (NAC). Operatives have data that was in the village for more than ten criminals and their accomplices who are ready to put up armed resistance. During the raid, three bandits who were in the federal wanted list, attempted to break the cordon of armed and retaliatory fire had been destroyed, and the units of the security forces were fired upon from the very village. After blocking of the village, to ensure public safety measures have been taken to the orderly evacuation of residents. In order to temporarily accommodate people in four kilometers from the village was equipped camp. In the course of further activities in the village of seized firearms, handguns, a large amount of ammunition, including hand fragmentation grenades, communications and military equipment, detailed topographic maps of various regions of Dagestan and religious-extremist literature. In one of the rooms of the village mosque by militants was equipped laboratory where education was conducted bandits demolition and assembly of improvised explosive devices, as evidenced by a significant number of consoles seized car alarms used by terrorists to actuation of the radio-controlled IEDs, as well as instructions and manuals for their production . In various parts of the village found six improvised explosive devices set by the anti-handling devices, in connection with which they were killed on the spot by detonation. Also during the inspection of a house special forces soldiers found packets of counterfeit banknotes in denominations of one thousand rubles, totaling about two million . The operational-search activities and investigations are continuing.
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