I'm starting a book club in 2025 and you're invited!
Join the club here: [ Ссылка ]
Over the past two years on BookTube, the overwhelming amount of love and support from you all has immensely enriched my reading experience. From comments to recommendations to long exchanges over email, each of you has made me a better reader and made me feel welcome. So heading into the new year, I wanted to create a place where we can continue our discussions and share the experience of reading these literary gems.
Until the club officially kicks off, I'll be reading the quartet from László Krasznahorkai and sharing my thoughts in vlogs throughout the month of December.
0:00 - Intro
01:15 - Why I'm Starting a Book Club
02:25 - Reading Pace
03:03 - 2025 Schedule
11:16 - Patreon Tiers
14:03 - December Reading Plans + Vlogs
15:39 - Wrap Up
My Substack: [ Ссылка ]
My Instagram: [ Ссылка ]
My Goodreads: [ Ссылка ]
Email for Business (or Friendly Banter): covington24@gmail.com
#bookclub #literature
I'm Starting a Book Club! | 2025 Reading Schedule
classic literatureliterary fictionliterature book clubhardcore literature book clubclassics book clublaszlo krasznahorkaithe magic mountainmoby dick group readgroup readingfyodor dostoevskyleo tolstoywar and peace readalongwar and peace tolstoythe sound and the furywilliam faulknerwilliam gaddisthe recognitions bookmens reading clubtoni morrisonthomas mannbook recommendationstbr2025 reading schedule2025 reading list