The Québec Team:
Universität Laval, Quebec
Prof. Luis Thenon (Director of the research lab LANTISS)
Pierre Pellerin
Ex Machina
Tobie Horswill - Responsible Technician
Dirk Boettcher - Organisation
Frederic Lebrasseur - Drums
Martien Bélanger - Guitar
The Rostock Team:
Universität Rostock
Andreas Finger - Institut für Informatik
Prof. Andreas Heuer - Director Institut für Informatik
Fraunhofer Institut IGD Rostock
Prof. Bodo Urban - Director Fraunhofer Institut Rostock
Steffen Grafe - Technical Assistant
LAG Rock & Pop MV e.V.
Dana Bauers - Organisation
Wolfgang Schmiedt - Guitar
Christian Kuzio - Guitar
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