I own more 20 gallons than any other size fish tank. I have two styles, the 20 gallon standard and the 20 gallon long. This is my top 5 list of stocking ideas for a 20 gallon fish tank.
Not all of these fish are mine. The ones that aren't either came from:
April's Aquarium
Fish Addicts Langley
0:00 Intro
0:34 My Tanks
2:14 Molly's / Swordtails
3:27 Corydoras
4:23 Dwarf Cichlids
5:20 Bristlenose Plecos
Top 5 stocking ideas for a 20 gallon fish tank
20 gallon fish tankfish tankaquarium fishstocking ideas for a 20 gallon tankstocking ideas for a 20 gallon aquariumstocking ideas for a 20 gallon tallstocking ideas for a 20 gallon longtropical fishfreshwater fish20 gallon aquarium20 gallon long20 gallon long fish tank20 gallon fish tank ideaswhat to put in a 20 gallon fish tankafrican cichlids in a 20 galloncenterpiece fish for acenterpiece fish for a 20 gallon20 gallon tallbetta20 gallon