In which the Gentleman Gamer commences a series a lot of subscribers have been awaiting: The Pentex Guide to Werewolves.
At Pentex we like to follow the alphabet method of categorising lupines, so Black Furies come first. This tribe of barbaric females is a match for any Pentex First Team and what they lack in testosterone they make up for in rage.
The Pentex Guide to Werewolves: Black Furies
The Gentleman GamerThe Gentleman's GuideWerewolf: The Apocalypse (Game)Werewolf (Mythical Creature)Werewolf Fiction (Literary Genre)White Wolf Publishing (Organization)Onyx Path PublishingPentexMagadonEndronWyrmWeaverWyldGaiaAthena (Greek Deity)Pegasus (Mythical Creature)Black FuriesTribeFeminism (Literary School Or Movement)