On 13th May Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman had shared the first installment of the Rs 20 lakh crore package. It focused on relief to the MSME sector. Yesterday on 14th May, the Finance Minister announced the second installment of the package. This speech was focused on migrant workers, small farmers, street vendors, and affordable housing
A total of nine steps were announced:
1. Free food for migrants
For those migrants who don't have NFSA cards or state cards, 5 Kgs of wheat or rice per person and one kg channa per family per month for the next two months to be provided. It will be given through the state governments. This will benefit around 8 crore migrants.
For migrant workers who have returned to their homes, work is being made available through MGNREGS. States have been advised to provide them work.
2. One Nation, One Ration Card
National Portability Ration Cards can be used in any ration shops in the country.
3. Rental accommodation
Under the PM Awas Yojana, rental housing will be given to migrant workers.
4. MUDRA Shishu loan
People who have taken loans up to Rs 50,000 under the Mudra Shishu loan, the government will pay 2% of the interest for the next 12 months.
5. Street Vendor
There is a special scheme for street vendors. Rs 5,000 Crore loan facilities will be given to them. They will be given a loan of Rs 10,000 to start their business again.
6. Affordable Housing
The CLSS is a scheme by the government which helps middle people and poor people by giving subsidy on the interest of home loans. The scheme started in March 2017 and ended in March 2020. Now it has been extended till March 2021.
7. Tribals
Tribal people will be given employment in forest management, wildlife protection/management, and other forest-related activities.
8. Small/Marginal Farmers
The government has given Rs 30,000 crore emergency funds to NABARD to help farmers harvest and sow their crops this season.
9. Kisan Credit Card
Under the PM Kisan Credit Card, 25 lakh new Kisan Credit Cards sanctioned with a loan limit of Rs 25,000 crore. It will benefit 2.5 crore farmers.
The FM also said, 12,000 Self Help Groups (SHG) of poor people in cities have produced 3 Crore masks and 1, 20,000 liters of sanitizers.
7,200 new SHGs of urban poor have been formed starting from 15th March 2020.
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