Today, I want to tell you a little story about a client session that I had this week. The Visionary and Integrator were there, and it became very evident that they were simply not on the same page. In this case, I know that that Integrator is clear on the importance of being on the same page and how to use the Same Page Meeting™ to make that happen.
Why does that happen? If somebody knows what to do and doesn’t do it, what’s really going on there? And I just want to call out a distinction between knowing what to do and actually doing it. The bottom line is that if you truly want to be great in your Visionary/Integrator relationship, there’s absolutely no excuse for not being on the same page.
Here’s what must happen. Your Visionary/Integrator pair must believe that being on the same page is important. This is so important for the business to be able to achieve the greater good in the long term vision, and important for each of you to be healthy and on the same page in that part of your relationship. It affects everybody in the organization, particularly the Leadership Team. They shouldn’t have to sit there and watch the two of you go back and forth because you’re not on the same page and haven’t taken the time to do that.
Once you believe being on the same page is important, you’ve also got to commit to doing it. You must commit to always being on the same page. Decide that whenever you’re not on the same page, you’ll do whatever is needed to get back there.
After that, use the structure. We’ve given you a great structure with the Same Page Meeting™ and a rhythm to make sure it happens. Be proactive and stay out in front of it. Once you’ve committed individually, you’ve just got to do your part. Schedule it. Manage logistics. Sometimes one of you may manage the logistics. Sometimes somebody else might manage that depending on where you’re going to meet and what is required. Bring your issues. Then, once you’re together, play hard and really engage. Talk hard about the issues on those lists that you need to get through so that you are on the same page.
As it happens, I’m actually on my way out to one of my Same Page Meetings™. I’m getting ready to get on a plane and fly about 1,000 miles. The other side of my Same Page Meeting™ is also getting on a plane. We’ve looked at the issues in advance. We’ve had this scheduled for 90 days. We’ve committed to it. We know the kind of things we’re going to talk about. Some other things may come up, but we’ve already talked about the big things that we need to get on the same page on. When we’re sitting there together, we’re both committed to stay until we’ve covered everything we need to in order to come out of that meeting truly on the same page. All right?
Here’s the deal. If you want to be great, there’s really no excuse for not being on the same page. If you’re not on the same page, it really begs to question: Do you want to be great?
Three key things to wrap this one up today:
1. Commit to being on the same page. It’s important.
2. Use the structure to help you get on the same page.
3. Do your part. Whether it’s managing logistics, playing hard in the issues, do whatever is expected of your side of that pair. Do your part.
No Excuses
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