In this episode, we’re diving into the world of Special Forces—how they train, plan, and execute some of the world’s most dangerous missions. We’ll also explore the mental and physical grit it takes to become part of this elite community. Special Forces are highly trained military units designed to perform unconventional warfare, counterterrorism, reconnaissance, and direct action missions. Their origins trace back to World War II, with units like the British SAS and U.S. Army Rangers laying the foundation for modern special operations. #usarmy #usmc #usnavyseals #us #usmilitary #uk #army #specialoperation #usnavy
Inside the Secret Tactics of Special Forces
basic trainingboot campcall of duty advanced warfarecovert missionscovert operationscovert opsdelta forcedelta trainingelite strategiesgreen beretmarine corpsmarinesmilitary insightsmilitary strategiesmilitary tacticsmilitary trainingnavy sealnavy sealssoldierspecial forcesspecial forces trainingspecial opsstealth missionstactical operationstactical stealthtactical trainingunited statesunseen tacticsus army