This video was recorded off my PS4 Pro and this is part 1 of Train Sim World 4. This run is in a class 66 587 in the striking Ocean Network Express pink and white livery. I set off from Peterborough station with a rake of 24 BBA empty steel wagons destined for Scunthorpe (Route map only goes to Doncaster) Along the route there are array of passenger loops that a few of the freight and slow passenger services are scheduled to stop in and allow the fast high speed trains to pass. (It's just brilliant) This particular scenario is I stop in Calton Down Passenger Loop of around 40 minutes, but don't worry you don't see that. Part 2 is then Calton Down Passenger Loop to Doncaster itself. This route is just over 70 miles in length (from Peterborough to Doncaster) and all I can say is that it is incredible, yes I know the PS5 is better which I'm working on getting but it still looks amazing as you drive up the ECML (East Coast Main Line) It is set almost bang up to date with the high speed Azuma trains at your disposal. I'm more of a freight man so a class 66 it was.
Now the incredible thing is that the makers of the game and other parties have managed to allow a free spawn almost any loco and train in any location, weather your walking around in time table mode or free roam, just brilliant. So you and spawn at Peterborough station an 8F with a load of mineral wagons or even a class 40 on a loaded TEA tank wagon train..... just perfection. I love it. Enjoy.
#railway #train #trainvlogger #trainvlog #amazing #modeltrains #class66 #fun #bringthenoise #v12 #twostroke #tsw4 #trainsimworld4 #traindriving #traindrivinggames
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