Delhi police put up 'wanted terrorist' posters ahead of Republic Day in Connaught Place. Alleged operatives of Khalistani groups and Al Qaeda were named in posters. Just days earlier, the government had raised Khalistani threat in the Supreme Court. “We have inputs that some terrorist organisations including Khalistani outfits and Al-Qaeda may carry out unwanted activities on January 26. Keeping this in mind, we have taken a few steps including putting up posters of wanted terrorists,” said Siddharth Jain, Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) for Connaught Place. The government told the Supreme Court that a banned Khalistani group was backing the protesting farmers. Attorney General Kk Venugopal said that Khalistanis had infiltrated the protest. Many farmers are camping at Delhi's borders seeking repeal of the three farm laws. Protesting farmers are planning a 'disciplined' tractor rally in Delhi on January 26. Watch the full video for more.
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