📃 After the oh my zsh install we pick up in this video and look at the list oh-my-zsh plugins and with the ohmyzsh robbyrussell theme. We look at macOS terminal aliases and how to configure them in your zshrc configue file.
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How to Use the BEST oh my zsh Plugins and Aliases!
0:00 | Intro
0:40 | Terminal Aliases
2:47 | Testing Commands
4:20 | oh my zsh plugins
6:30 | zsh autosuggestions
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Do you have any questions, tips, or ideas about the ohmyzsh plugins such as zsh autosuggestions, macos, laravel, or z?
Be sure to watch the all of the videos on oh-my-zsh and check out the provided URLs the link to the git repository for each step.
Let us know if you learned something new from this tutorial in the comments section below!
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#williamsk #ohmyzsh #terminal
How to Use the BEST oh my zsh Plugins and Aliases!
williamskzshoh my zshmacos terminaloh my zsh tutorialpowerlevel10kohmyzsh installed on macOSzsh installedohmyzsh pluginszsh autosuggestionsohmyzsh robbyrussell themezshrc configue filenodenpmHow to Use the BEST oh my zsh Plugins and Aliasesoh my zsh installzsh intellisensethe best oh my zsh plugins and aliaseshow to use the best oh my zsh pluginshow to use oh my zshmy favorite oh my zsh pluginslearn how to use the best oh my zsh plugins