The ongoing Liquorgate probe has taken a gripping turn, becoming a major challenge for the AAP. Key figures like Manish Sisodia, Vijay Nayyar, and Sanjay Singh are under ED lens. Even the party's MLA, Amanatullah Khan, faced scrutiny by the ED in a separate case. In the latest development, Sanjay Singh, a trusted AAP parliamentarian, now resides in ED custody. A sensational revelation emerged from the agency's remand note: allegations suggest that Sanjay Singh possessed images of classified documents taken from the ED office, which were discovered during a raid on his residence. When questioned about the source of these documents, AAP MP Singh has chosen to remain silent.
For a comprehensive breakdown of this intricate case, watch the full debate as executive Padmaja Joshi unravels all the details for you. Don't miss the exclusive discussion with guests Nighat Abbass, BJP spokesperson, and Sanjeev Kaushik, a political analyst.
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