The cornerstone financial statements include the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement and the Cash Flow Statement. These statements are common fare in a farm manager's files and are a key source of management information for your farm. Not only do they complement your enterprise costing information, but they also assist in Financial Planning and Risk Management Decisions including: Solvency, Profitability and Liquidity. Before financial analysis occurs, it is important to understand how these statements fit together.
Introduction to Farm Financial Analysis
Farm Financial StatementsBalance SheetIncome StatementCash Flow StatementCash ReceiptsCash ExpensesAccrualsNon-cash receiptsSolvencyProfitabilityAgricultureLiquidityFinancial AnalysisFarm EnterprisesNet EarningsRevenueExpenseAssetsLiabilitiesOwners' EquityOperatingFinancingInvestingFarm ManagementDepreciationEquityRetain EarningsFiscal PeriodFinancial performanceProfitRisk