What’s the science behind contrast cards for babies?
This video answers a common question on what parents of newborn can do to stimulate their baby’s vision during the formative months. If you consider getting black and white contrast cards or stimulation cards for your baby, or as a newborn gift, watch until the end for a free gift!
And if you have already shown black and white cards to your baby, tell me in the comments what her/his reaction was :-)
For more resources on Early Childhood Development, subscribe to this channel and follow us on Facebook [ Ссылка ]
Free pdf with 9 tips on how to use infant stimulation cards : [ Ссылка ]
The Science of Mom: A Research- Based Guide to Your Baby's First Year, Alice Callahan, PhD
The Developing Visual Brain, Janette Atkinson, Oxford Psychology Series www.aoa.org/patients-and- public/good-vision-throughout- life/childrens-vision/infant-vision- birth-to-24-months-of-age
Ask Doctor Sears: [ Ссылка ]
www.parents.com/baby/care/newbo rn/the-world-according-to-babies
www.healthline.com/health/parenti ng/when-do-newborns-start-to- see#2
www.kidshealth.org/en/parents/sen senewborn.html
What’s the science behind contrast cards for babies?
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