This is new and innovative technology. ATON technology deals with the problem of waste, it does not simply hide it for other generations to deal with. WE DO NOT TRANSFORM GARBAGE, WE MAKE IT DISAPPEAR
ATON technology is flexible and comprehensive. It can change to deal with challenges in the waste disposal process as they arise.
This technology is sensitive to the environment, the future of planet Earth and our place on it. ATON technology meets international safety and environment standards
ATON technology aims to produce zero carbon energy
The offered system allows to solve the waste problems (municipal, industrial, agricultural, hazardous materials) and in addition generating useful heat and electrical energy.
ATON Waste Disintegration Line
WasteenviromentcleangreenGreen Energyglobal warmingco2carbon dioxidewaste disintegrationhazardous wastehospital wastecontamined wastetoxic wasteclean enviromentthermal treatmentlandfilllandfillswaste treatmentwaste disposalwaste solutionsheat treatmentgasificationhydrocarbonsindustrial wasteagricultural wastewaste clean solutionsclean airzero co2 emission