A mudslide on NH 513 in Arunachal Pradesh washed away a vehicle with passengers on board on Friday. The visual was captured by onlookers in the stretch that connects Pasighat and Yingkong in the northeastern state. Thanfkully, the Arunachal administration rescued the vehicle.
Arunachal Pradesh has been experiencing heavy rains for the last three days, affecting traffic due to landslides on the roads that connect Pasighat and Yingkong. Road connectivity to areas such as Rukchin, Badang, Chili Jing, Padu, Damar and Yongkong Mariang have also been cut off due to adverse weather conditions.
As per reports, Siang witnessed landslides and rockfall in at least four locations blocking National Highway 513. However, measures to clear the roads have been initiated. So far, no infrastructure damage or casualty has been reported.
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