(4 Apr 1996) T/I: 10:54:20
For the first time in four years, Sarajevo's Jewish community are able to celebrate Passover - which commemorates the exodus of the Jews from captivity in Egypt. They were joined on Thursday (4/4) by Jewish aid workers visiting the Bosnian capital from around the world, and by Jewish soldiers who are part of IFOR, the NATO-led Bosnian peace implementation
VS passover seder at synagogue
SOT US IFOR soldier (unnamed) from Michigan talking about
celebrations: "The people here for many years were not allowed to study the religion, so it is a little more difficult for them to have the ceremony, so they do what they can do."
Rabbi eats and talks
Children singing
SOT Rabbi Moshe Tutnaver (in english): "Passover is the celebration. This is the first time for five years that they're celebrating at night. Sarajevo is special because it has the world's most famous... it's very symbolic."
People around table.
VS damage to Jewish cemetery and quarter
SOT Jacob Finci, President of La Benevevelencija Jewish
Humanitarian Aid Society (in english): "Some refugees already came back from Germany... the real problem now is the problem of tenancy rights becuase all apartments are overcrowded with refugees from the other part of Bosnia. We are dealing with negotiations.. to retain tenancy rights and after that I hope that Jews will be back home.
Jewish memorial
WS synagogue.
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Bosnia - Passover Celebrations,
AP Archivew05713086409d7a17bdcfcf6e2ff103852d363cDSSE4 PASSOVERformer yugoslaviaeastern europecivil warconflictreligionjudaismtraditionculturebuildingfestivitiesmilitaryarmytroopsimplementationforcenatostatementclergymusicgraveyardgravesdestructiondevastationaftermathwreckagetributestatuemonumentcommemorationEastern EuropeSarajevo