As per reports, 4 protesting farmers have died and several got injured after Union Minister Ajay Mishra's son allegedly ran car over them in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh. UP Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya was scheduled to reach Banvir village to attend a programme organised by the Union Minister. After the incident, protestors allegedly set ablaze vehicles, including that of Union Minister's son Ashish Mishra. Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait is reportedly reaching Lakhimpur Kheri to meet the injured farmers.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in view of the incident tweeted saying, “The one who is silent even after seeing this inhuman massacre, is already dead.”
Reacting on the incident Akhilesh Yadav called it a "very inhuman & cruel act". UP will not bear the oppression of BJP. If the same situation continues, BJP members in the state won't be able to travel by cars, he tweeted.
#UttarPradesh #FarmersProtest #LakhimpurKheri
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