The fine people at Rootmaker have provided me with a discount code to give to my viewers for 15% off when purchasing from their online retail store Code is GROWNEW [ Ссылка ]
I propagated a one-gallon pot of Variegated Liriope by division and created 5 new 4” pots. This pot of variegated liriope was one I got last fall in the discount section of a local big box store. It was kind of sickly and I nursed it backed to health over the winter and now have 5 new plants propagated by division.
Here are the Amazon Links to some of the items I used
Corona Snips: [ Ссылка ]
10x20 Tray: [ Ссылка ]
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Propagate Variegated Liriope by Division
Variegated LiriopePropagate Variegated Liriope by division Propagate Liriope by divisionRootmakerRootmaker potsGrow liriope in Rootmaker potsair pruningair pruning potsPropagatepropagationPlant PropagationPropagate by divisionSuper Blue LiriopeGrow new PlantsMake new plantsBackyard gardeningBackyard greenhouseBackyard Nurserygrownewplants