The Live Ghost is a 1934 short comedy film starring the iconic duo Laurel and Hardy, directed by Charley Rogers and produced by Hal Roach. The film begins with a gruff sea captain who struggles to find a crew willing to work on his ship due to rumors that it is haunted. Frustrated, the captain hires Stanley (Stan Laurel) and Oliver (Oliver Hardy) to recruit sailors from a local bar, and their unique methods lead to a chaotic but successful shanghaiing of an unwilling crew.
Once aboard the ship, the captain makes it abundantly clear that anyone who mentions the word “ghost” will face his wrath. Things take a turn for the worse when a drunken sailor accidentally falls into a trough of whitewash, making him appear pale and ghostlike. The terrified Stanley and Oliver are convinced he is a real ghost and inadvertently say the forbidden word, setting off the captain’s temper in a climactic sequence of hilarity.
Packed with slapstick humor, clever misunderstandings, and the unmatched chemistry of Laurel and Hardy, The Live Ghost showcases the duo at their comedic best. The interplay between superstition, physical comedy, and the duo’s knack for turning simple situations into elaborate disasters makes this short a beloved classic among fans of early cinema.
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