Here I look at 3 genereations of some of the most ubiquitous, yet well loved and reliable cassettes ever, the Maxell UR.
Deck Used : Revox B215
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The Legend That Is The Maxell UR - Type 1 Cassette
Cassettecassettescassette reviewsblank cassetteblank cassettestapetapesblank tapestdkmaxellthat'sferrictype 1normal biascassette comebackreviewType 0wishsaehanNakamichiNakamichi DragonSKCType 2High BiasHigh bias cassettetype 2 cassettechrome biaschrome cassetteType 4Metal CassetteBASFMetal TapeNakamichi CR-7Nakamichi CR7Maxell URNew Maxell URNew CassettesCassette 2020eq professionalEQ Professional cassette