During this outing, i went to hunt a Coyote and a few Jack Rabbits. I called using a Jack Rabbit Distress call for about 20-25 minutes with no success. I then pack up and head off to another location to Jack Rabbit hunt exclusively. While driving to the locale, I spot a big male Coyote watching me drive by. As fast as I could, I stop my truck, hop out and take aim at the yote. The rest is in the video....................
TD257 AIRGUN takes 2nd Coyote at 50 yards
Coyote (Animal)coyote huntinghuntingairgunair gunair gun huntingairgun huntingAirforce airgunsCondor AirgunsCondorAirforce CondorTD257TofazfouShooting Sport (Sport)Firearm (Sports Equipment)small gamemedium gamegame animalsPaintball Equipment (Sports Equipment)HPA airgunsHunting VideosCoyotesPredator HuntingPredator