Once we diagnose H.pylori, not everybody requires treatment. People with symptomatic infections, that is also disease or other disease like unexplained pain, anaemia, atrophic gastritis, family history of gastric cancer or ulcer disease. These patients will require treatment. How do we treat them? It is usually there is a standard regimen called as the triple regimen, a set of tablets to be taken in the morning and a set of tablets to be taken in the night, it is two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor like pantoprazole or omeprazole or esomeprazole. The antibiotics of choice are amoxicillin, clarithromycin, or sometimes even other antibiotic or in areas where the resistance is felt. The other antibiotics that are used are levofloxacin and doxycycline. This combination of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitor are the standard treatment. In some cases where there is a very difficult infections, even bismuth salts are used for treatment and with this treatment, a majority, of 90 to 95% of the infections can be eradicated.
How are H. pylori infections treated? - Dr. Lorance Peter
H.pyloriAnaemiaAtrophic GastritisAmoxicillinClarithromycinLevofloxacinDoxycyclineBismuth SaltProton Pump InhibitorPantoprazoleOmeprazoleEsomeprazoleGastric CancerUlcer DiseaseH. pylori infectionH. pylori infection treatmentH. pylori infection natural treatmentH. pylori infection testH. pylori infection diagnosisH. pylori infection signs and symptomsH. pylori infection cureH. pylori infection management