International CEO Social Sciences Congress
We are delighted to introduce International Gorazde University, International Vision University, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, İstanbul Nişantaşı University, CEO TEKMER and Dilkur Academy served as the vehicle of dissemination for a showpiece of articles at the International CEO (Communication, Economics, Organization) Social Sciences Congress (CEO SSC 2020, Gorazde) that was held online on December 18–19, 2020. CEO Congress aims to provide a platform for discussing the issues, challenges, opportunities and findings of Communication, Economics, Organization and Social Science research. The organizing committee with feedback from the division chairs and the members of the scientific committee foresaw an opportunity and research gap in the conference theme, that pitches for pressing issues in the business world.
Presentations are in Turkish & English. With the participation and contributions of academics from 29 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Morocco, Philippines, Georgia, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhistan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Colombia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Poland, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Turkey, UK, New Zeland. It is a great privilege for us to present the proceedings of CEO SSC 2020 to the authors and delegates of the conference.
Several manuscripts from prestigious institutions could not be accepted due to the reviewing outcomes and our capacity constraints. Participation from 143 different institutions or Universities. The 2 days long conference gathered close to 248 national and international attendees to enliven a constellation of contributions. Keynote lectures by renowned colleagues (Prof.Dr.Necmettin ATSÜ, Prof.Dr.Fadıl HOCA, Prof.Dr.Nihat ALAYOĞLU, Prof.Dr.Şevki ÖZGENER, Prof.Dr.Remzi ALTUNIŞIK, Prof.Dr.Hernán E. Gil FORLEO, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Veclal GÜNDÜZ, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dababrata CHOWDHURY, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Elira TURDUBAEVA, Dr.Siham EL-KAFAFİ, Assoc.Prof.Dr.A. Mohammed ABUBAKAR, Gökhan ERZURUMLUOĞLU, Edina BRUTUS), 12 awards were issued to distinguished papers, and a total of 163 oral presentations.
On the day of completion of this journey, we are delighted with a high level of satisfaction and aspiration. It is important to offer our sincere thanks and gratitude to a range of organizations and individuals, without whom this year’s conference would not take place. This conference would have not materialized without the efforts of the contributing authors for sharing the fruit of their research and the reviewers for scrutinizing, despite their busy schedules. We also thank our members and colleagues who accepted the duty to participate in the Scientific Committee and for their valuable help in the screening, selecting, and recommending best contributions.
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