Learn about fall prevention from our panel of experts in San Diego County.
Falls are the leading cause of injury-related emergency department visits for older adults. Our panel of experts hosted this comprehensive webinar in September 2020 to provide the community with safety tips, education and exercises.
Susan Taylor, Director of External Affairs at Scripps Health
Opening Remarks
Dr. Ning Lu, Trauma Surgeon
Fall Risk Prevention for Seniors
Dr. Nelson Hwynn, Neurologist
Role of Physical Therapy in Fall Prevention & Recovery
Tosin Orafidiya, DPT
5 Balance Exercises to Practice Daily
Danica Edelbrock, Exercise Physiologist
Standing Strong When We Stand Together
Dr. Joanne Hamilton, Clinical Neuropsychology
San Diego County AIS Health Promotion Programs Overview
Matthew Parcasio, MA
Standing Strong: Fall Prevention Webinar 2020
healthscripps healthscrippssan diegocaliforniahealthcarehealth caredoctorDr. Nina LuDr. Nelson HwynnDr. Joanne HamiltonDr. Tosin OrafidiyaSusan Taylorfall preventionfall prevention for elderlyfall precautions elderlyprevent fall in elderlyinjury preventionShiley Fitness CenterScripps Memorial Hospital La Jollascripps trauma center la jollascripps la jolla