--Watch In HD-- My 8th pk vid i really hope u guys enjoy this massive epic video :P sub, comment and rate, You can expect more from me in the future. need a chill clan chat? join mines! clan chat name dimondowner! ♠→ → → → → →↓DisClaimZ0r↓← ← ← ← ← ←♠
This video has been made with the original content of Jagex Ltd. Which I do NOT own.
In no way financially do I profit from the audio in this video. It was added soley for entertainment purposes.
The audio used was purchased and may not be used for reproducing.You Can Play Runescape At: [ Ссылка ]
dont read rest of this:
second pvp video. Yes it is me pking from beginning to end. zerker pure berserker pure rune pure maxed hybrid initiate bandos And to those who don't know - The castle wars bracelet gives a 20% damage bonus against the flag holder in castle wars, it is BETTER than void's 10%.
Jagex Runescape Rs XXphatmagexx Darker Manz Statius's platelegs Statius's warhammer drop Enjoy =PMahatma I, Stonecoldpkr,P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, Krazyfaken, Kids Ranqe , Video from the Number One P2P Pure Pking Clan.
» » This Video features Pkers of all within the clan
Final Ownage Elite of all combat level ranges with unique combos, great loot, vast weapon variety, high hits and sheer skill in Pure Pking.
1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, PVP vid 8. You may be angry at this video and call me a PJer. I define PJer as someone who kills the killers of Runescape; Making it a safer place. I hope that you enjoy my vid! I try my hardest to pj in dragon claws max strength and dominate and usually I do. 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald party hat phat set rich staker best runescaper runescape 100m 100B 1b 99 magic party best drop party 99 range 99 str 99 def 99 atack TANKER pk vid purple p-hat yellow p-hat green blue p-hat white p-hat banned runescape acount permantly banned back last chans appeal declined 99 summoning steel titan obsidian golem titans lava titan war Mike5146, yoh12096 cape No1s Perfect PVP PK Vid 8 STATIUS LEGS ags/whip pking
Statius' Warhammer NEW RUNESCAPE PVP WEAPON EPIC OWNAGE *If you have questions or just wanna chat please visit my cc: B-o0-M-E-R
Again a video with 3 players this time BHers. And another one... there is no '150' because chances are you've already seen it, plus this vid is showing what 99 range can do with some range weapons, not what anyone who can weild an addy crossbow can do, which is well over 1 million people. If you want to see a 150, watch one of the videos that already exist showing it. barrage blitz burst 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald party hat phat set rich staker best runescaper runescape 100m 100B 1b 99 magic party best drop party 99 range 99 str 99 def 99 atack TANKER pk vid purple p-hat yellow p-hat green blue p-hat white p-hat banned runescape acount permantly banned back last chans appeal declined 99 summoning steel titan obsidian golem titans lava titan war RUNESCAPE PKING INTIATE PURE OWNAGE LURE PHAT 99 1337 PWNAGE PKING PKERS PK PARTYHAT ZEZIMA N0VALYFE RUNESCAPE WILDY BARRAGE ANCIENTS LURING FROSTYDAPKER JETCHIMP BLOOD SEASON BLOODHOUN34 I Mahatma I, Stonecoldpkr,P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, Krazyfaken, Kids Ranqe ,
1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, E4t F0od Nub, Im Easy Xp, Iminsan3, Pure insan3, and Xoxofuryxoxo.
whipper whip elvemage sv3rige
bloodhoun34 hiei the pk lexmark78
6th outlaw i meleed i ultimate strength hybrid barrage blitz burst 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald
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