Fix File Access Denied-You need permission to perform this action in windows 10/8/7-file access denied you require permission from to make changes to this file.
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I get the following error message/notification while try to copying and paste the mp3 file in my windows 10 pc:
File Access Denied
You need permission to perform this action
You require permission from the computer's administrator to make changes to this file.
Availability:Available offline
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This error ( file access denied you require permission from everyone to make changes to this file ) solution is also works on windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1.
This type of problem is occurred while try to copy paste the folder/file or delete folder and this solution is works on pendrive/usb drive devices also.
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Fix you need permission to perform this action:
1.Select your source file and right click on it then goto "Properties".
2.Here you can choose "security" tab and then click to open "Advanced" settings.
3.Now you can click to "Change permissions" and click to "Add".
4.Here you can enter your pc name like that "arunkumarn" and click to "check names" and then click to "ok".
5.Finally click to "save" all changes in settings.
6.Now once copy that file, finally the problem is solved.
7.This is the way you can fix file access denied error.
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