Kurukshetra, which is directed by Naganna, was initially planned as Darshan’s 50th film, but it was delayed for various reasons. The film is based on the epic Mahabharata with Darshan playing Duryodhana and the story is told from his perspective. Made on a budget of Rs 150 crore, Kurukshetra is bankrolled by Muniratna under his banner KCN Movies. The film has a bevy of stars in the cast including Darshan, Ambareesh, V Ravichandran, Arjun Sarja, Bharathi Vishnuvardhan, Sneha, Meghana Raj, P Ravi Shankar, Sonu Sood, Nikhil Gowda, Aditi Arya and Shashi Kumar.
The film’s technical crew includes V Harikrishna for music, Jayanan Vincent for camera work and Jo Ni Harsha for editing. Being a big budget film and a mythological, the filmmakers are reportedly planning to release it in various languages, including Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and others | TV5 Sandalwood
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