La secretaria general de CCOO en Andalucía, Nuria López, ha advertido de que no van a callar a su organización tras la denuncia de la Junta de Andalucía tras la que la Fiscalía de Sevilla ha abierto unas diligencias de investigación para analizar si hubo malversación por parte de dicho sindicato y de UGT de Andalucía de 7,4 millones de euros de dinero público de las residencias de Tiempo Libre andaluzas entre 2003 y 2006.
Así lo ha trasladado la líder de CCOO-A que ha defendido que su sindicato goza de muy buena salud, a pesar de que algunos les fastidie que adviertan de problemas en la sanidad o la educación andaluzas.
López ha querido dejar claro que las residencias de Tiempo Libre eran patrimonio sindical y no recursos públicos, y así lo corroboran distintas sentencias.
The general secretary of CCOO in Andalusia, Nuria López, has warned that they will not shut up their organization after the complaint of the Junta de Andalucía after which the Prosecutor's Office of Seville has opened investigation procedures to analyze whether there was embezzlement by of said union and of UGT of Andalusia of 7.4 million euros of public money of the residences of Andalusian Free Time between 2003 and 2006.
This has been transferred by the leader of CCOO-A who has argued that his union is in very good health, although some people annoy them to warn of problems in Andalusian health or education.
López wanted to make it clear that the Free Time residences were union assets and not public resources, and this is corroborated by different sentences.
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