The Town of Pembroke held a special forum about COVID-19 moderated by PACTV's Donna Rodriguez. With Bill Chenard Town Manager & Lisa Cullity Health Agent. The Town discuss the latest updates concerning the Town with COVID-19: the precautions the Town is taking with vaccines and social distancing, the latest news from the state and the Delta and Omicron variants.
PACTV is a not-for-profit community media center located in Plymouth Massachusetts. PACTV serves the towns of Duxbury | Kingston | Pembroke | and Plymouth. PACTV provides public, education and government access. For more about PACTV, visit
12-15-21 Town of Pembroke COVID-19 Forum
pactvplymouth cable tvplymouth ma tvplymouth area televisioncommunity media centerpublic access televisionpembrokepembroke masspembroke massachusettstown of pembrokecovid-19covid 19coronaviruscovid informationlisa cullitypembroke health departmenthealthpembroke healthma polimapolipembroke 2021december 2021pembroke maomicrondeltaomicron variantdelta variantcovid variantbill chenardwilliam chenardvariantvaccinevaccines