Experience the high-stakes pursuit of Charlie Rodriguez, a violent criminal responsible for a series of heinous crimes in Camden, NJ. The episode covers the shocking police shooting, a ruthless bank robbery, and a dangerous drug house invasion. Watch as the FBI's daring undercover operation comes to life, leading to a dramatic showdown and the capture of Rodriguez.
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Operation Crazy Charlie: FBI's Most Violent Criminal Yet?
True crime - topicRetold channelReenactmentstrue crime documentariesbest documentaries on youtubereal storiesFBI FilesCrazy Charlie RodriguezTrue CrimeFBI InvestigationUndercover OperationViolent CrimeBank RobberyCamden New JerseyFBI ManhuntCriminal InvestigationShootoutDrug HouseFBI StingLaw EnforcementFBI AgentsCrime WaveArmed RobberyDangerous CriminalsFBI Special AgentsCrime DocumentaryCriminal Takedown