#rankingshow #passport
This video compares the power of every country passport in 2020 and 2019. Overall there are 199 destinations listed.
The information provided here reflects the 2020 Henley Passport Index ranking on 13 October 2020.
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Music: (Audio Library-Youtube) (Appreciated)
Soul Ballad - John Deley and the 41 Players
Supreme - John Deley and the 41 Players
Leslie's Strut - John Deley and the 41 Players
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Countries or Nations listed :
Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, Lebanon, Palestine, Nepal, Libya, Bangladesh, Iran, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Congo (Dem. Rep.) Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Djischbouti, Nigeria, Burundi, Congo, Cameroon, Liberia, Myanmar, Central African Republic, Egypt, Angola, Jordan, Algeria,Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Viet Nam, Comoros, Laos, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, Chad, Cambodia, Niger, Rwanda, Bhutan, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Togo, Cote d Ivoire, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Benin, Morocco, Armenia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Cape Verde, Cuba, Dominican Rebuplic, Tunesia, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Gambia, Tanzania, Zambia,Indonesia, Malawi, Eswatini, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, China, Lesotho, Nambia, Thailand, Kazakhstan ,Oman, Belarus, Bolivia, Suriname, Baharain, Botswana, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Maldives, Nauru, Qatar, Guyana, Fiji, Kuwait, Ecuador, Timor-Leste, Belize, South Africa, Turkey, Georgia, Albania, Palau, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovia, Micronesia, Moldova, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Tonga, Colombia, Nicaragua, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominica, ElSalvador, Honduras, Macau, Panama, Grenada, Paraguay, Mauritius, Saint Lucia, st. Vincent and the Grenadines, Taiwan, Antigua and Barbuda, Costa Rica, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Vatican City, St. Kitts and Nevis, Bahamas, Uruguay, Mexico, Barbados, Israel, Brunai, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, San Marino, Romania, Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus, Monaco, Poland, Chile, Malaysia, Liechtenstein, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Australia, Iceland, New Zealand, Malta, Czech Republic, Belgium, Canada, Greece, Ireland, USA, Austria, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Spain, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Sweden, Germany, South Korea,
Latest ! Most Powerful Passports (2020/21) | 199 Countries
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