Ekta Mall, which was inaugurated by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a special mall which is constructed near the Statue of Unity, Kevadiya in Gujarat. The very name Ekta Mall, symbolises unity in diversity, a hallmark of Indian culture. Here at Ekta Mall, handlooms, handicrafts and traditional textile showrooms as been opened from various states of India have come together to promote Indian Handicratfs, at a location that stands for unity and national integration. The Mall is spread over 35,000 square feet area.
It is a one-stop-shop for a relaxing shopping experience rooted in the vitality and diversity of India’s traditional textiles and artisanal handicrafts. Built in a 2-storey building, 20 emporias have been commissioned and each emporium represents a specific state of India. It is the right platform for retailing handicrafts and handlooms, integral to rural employment and social development of artisanal clusters in our country
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