Netflix has officially canceled That '90s Show, the sequel to the beloved That '70s Show. The news was confirmed by Kurtwood Smith, who reprised his iconic role as Red Forman, on his Instagram account. Despite the show's strong connection to its predecessor and a dedicated fan base, the series did not perform well enough to continue. That '90s Show had two seasons, with the final batch of episodes released on August 22, 2023. It followed Netflix’s multi-camera sitcom format, releasing episodes in “Parts.” The first season, which was split into Parts 1, 2, and 3, saw appearances from several That '70s Show stars, including Topher Grace, Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis, and Wilmer Valderrama. However, even with familiar faces and nostalgic moments, the show struggled to maintain viewers. After Part 2 debuted in June, it only managed to crack Netflix’s Top 10 once, with 1.8 million views in its first full week. The numbers continued to decline, with Part 3 failing to make it onto the charts at all. #that90sshow #cancelled #netflix
It’s Official! That ’90s Show Canceled by Netflix!
That '90s ShowNetflixThat '90s Show canceledThat '90s Show newsKurtwood SmithRed FormanThat '70s ShowNetflix cancellationsThat '90s Show final seasonNetflix sitcomThat '90s Show castTopher Grace Ashton KutcherMila KunisWilmer ValderramaNetflix Top 10That '90s Show failurenostalgic TVNetflix 2023That '70s Show sequelviewershipNetflix series canceledmulti-camera sitcomInstagramThat '90s Show cancellation reason