The lion (Panthera leo) is a species in the family Felidae, and a member of the genus Panthera, native to Africa and India. It exhibits a pronounced sexual dimorphism; males are larger than females.
In addition, male lions have a prominent mane, which is the most recognizable feature of the species. Both sexes have hairy tufts at the end of their tails.
Of all wild cat species, the lion is the most social cat, living in groups of related individuals with their offspring. Such a group is called a pride.
In 2017, the Cat Classification Task Force of the Cat Specialist Group assigned the lion populations in Asia and West, Central and North Africa to ‘’Panthera leo leo, and those in Southern and East Africa to ‘’Panthera leo melanochaita’’.
Here are all 7 ‘’former’’ sub-species of lion.
North African lion (also known as Barbary Lion)
Formerly: Panthera leo leo
Status: Extinct in wild (a few possible descendants may be still found in Zoos).
Asiatic lion (also known as Indian Lion/Persian Lion)
Formerly: Panthera leo persica
West African lion
Formerly: Panthera leo senegalensis
Central African Lion
Formerly: Panthera leo azandica
Cape lion
Formerly: Panthera leo melanochaita
Status: EXTINCT (There may be some hybridized zoo specimens, especially in Russia)
East African lion
Formerly: Panthera leo massaica
Southern African lion
Formerly: Panthera leo bleyenberghi
#extinctionblog #alllionspecies #extinctmegafaunaofafrica
Music: Wolf Moon - Unicorn Heads (YouTube Audio Library)
All Lion (Former) Subspecies
lionpanthera leolion specieslion subspeciesfelidaepantheraafricasexual dimorphismpanthera leo melanochaitapanthera leo leotypes of big catstypes of lionnorth african lionbarbary lionatlas lionindian lionpersian lionpanthera leo persicawest african lionpanthera leo senegalensiscentral african lionpanthera leo azandicacape lioneast african lionpanthera leo massaicasouthern african lionpanthera leo bleyenberghi